This article will guide you through setting up multi factor Authentication for Screen connect.

Important: - If there is an issue with the codes produced by an authenticator app check that the time on the phone is correct

1. Download Microsoft authenticator application to your phone.

2. Go to this webpage on your PC:    

3. Open the Microsoft authenticator application on your phone (simply called "authenticator"

4. Scan the QR code on your phone 

    a. press the 3 dots in the top right

    b. select add account

    c. select other account

    d. scan the QR code from your computer screen

3. On the webpage on your computer select "internal"

4. copy the code generated in the grey box (including the letters + colon) 

5. send the code back to Grace Solutions (reply to this email)

6. Grace Solutions will enable the Multifactor Authentication

From now on when you log in to Screen connect after you enter your user and password, it will prompt you for your authentication code. 

Simply open the authenticator app on your phone and enter the 6 digit code it gives you into the Screen connect window.

Please remember that if you change your phone this will need to be setup again.